Restaurant Šumski dvor, Ivančići

Ivančići 10453
Gorica Svetojanska
01/ 6287 133
098 9827 245

Šumski Dvor Kolarič is

  1. restaurant that serves traditional Kaikavian dishes from Sveta Jana 
  2. vinery
  3. and it has rooms to stay beneath the Japetić peak

It is actually a summer-cottage of count Erdödy, bulit in 1656.
It is located between Jastrebarsko and Japetić in Sveta Jana. If you happen to trek to Japetić, you just go lower to the Šumski Dvor. You can enjoy the pitoresque beauty of Sveta Jana, that has lots of little creeks and fresh water sources.
If you visit Jaska (also called Jastrebarsko), after sightseeing you can contiune to Sveta Jana & Šumski dvor to enjoy delicious food and breathtaking view of Jaska's hills.

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