Protected traditional Kaikavian heritage, Šašinovec

Šašinovec 10360

Here we present 2 houses that you can see in the gallery. The 1st one is birth-house of Ivan Granđa, located on the main street on the right, clearly visible, with beautiful wood-carvings.
The cultural and historic complex of Šašinovec as a whole is also protected, so all traditional houses within this complex are protected.
Number of protected complex: Z-2159 

Beautiful traditional Kaikavian house, protected traditional object Dokšić-Lovriš at address Šašinovec, Tome Šikutena 12.
Number of registered protected object: Z-2998

House Dokšić-Lovriš here on one older picture, today it is renovated.
Zaštićena tradicionalna Kajkavska hiža Dokšič-Lovríš

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