HIŽA - Modern Kaikavian cottage, Kumrovec

Kumrovec 49295

Arhitect Mateković reinterpreted a traditional Kaikavian cottage (klet) and recreated it within a modern context, following the tradition of using natural local materials. He also used a big glass window which is fine, since glass-manufacturing has been a tradition in Zagorye. 
With this creative move he enriched the architecture of Zagorye which needs badly new impulses in the development of its rich cultural and architectural heritage. 

Who knows, maybe will exactly this cottage house be a tradition after 100 years? Because tradition must be developed further in a way that it transmits identity and cultural values of the local society, something which redefined cottage house beautifully does. A more detailed article about this cottage house was published in the renowned European architectural magazine DETAIL. Thus beautiful Zagorye with its many castles found again its way to the map of modern European architecture.

For all inquiries please contact architect at the provided adrees above - Davor Mateković, PROARH
Pictures: Damir Fabijanić

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