Sculpture dedicated to Kaikavian language is located in a representative street of Varaždin, a street with plenty of villas in Art Nouveau style.
The sculpture was installed by a grassroots-initiative, where local writers and artists worked together to make the Kolodvorska-street more beatiful. They painted and they installed posters with poems in Kaikavian languge. Kaikavian language is not recognized as language by government institutions of Croatiam, although it is recognized by linguists and international institutions. It is almost non-present in public and has a stygma of a "silly dialect". Thus the whole initiative and the sculpture are an example of best practice - of an artistic and linguistic intervention in public space, of coming out into the public, and creating the Kaikavian langscape. It has the word "KAJ" in the middle, which stands for "what", and translations into other languages around. It was installed also to remind on the 2015. when Kaikavian literary language was recognized as (historic) language - a language which still lives on in Kaikavian dialects today.