Varaždin, Varaždin

Varaždin 42000

What to say about Varaždin, a city that is sung about in Austro-Hungarian operetta (Komm mit nach Warazdin!), a city that was also the capital of Croatia, with beautiful Baroque and Art Nouveau centre? It is a city of Špancirfest, the biggest festival in Kaikavian region, and it is famous for it Baroque evenings. It has a definite spirit of Altösterreich - Old Austria- as some Austrians described it, a feeling you hardly can find in Austria which was despite many old architecture modernized and accelerated. Compared to that, Varaždin remaind slow, although developed.
Varaždin is cultural centre of Kaikavian region, where you can watch theatre plays in Kaikavian and enjoy many cultural manifestions like the ones mentioned above. It lacks only in one point - gastronomic offer. Its restaurants are just too classic, too much of the "old school"´. Even if they try hard to present something new. That's why we invite for food to its twin city Čakovec and its higly developed gastronomic scene, the finest in Kaikavian region. Together, Varaždin & Čakovec make a perfect combination of cultural and gastronomic offer.

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