XD Xenia Design, Čakovec

Čakovec 40000
Ivana Gorana Kovačića
+385 (0)40 311 607

XD Xenia Design is a famous, world-class design label with shops in London and New York. But did you know that their centre is in North Croatia, in Kaikavian city of Čakovec?
The reason why we present Xenia Desgin is because they also create beatiful and modern T-shirts with Kaikavian words in Medjimorje dialect. This is something that we support 100%.

Why is this Xenie Design creation important for cultural diversity? Because it gives space to Kaikavian langauge in public, something which is a rarity, thus making Kaikaivan visible and present.
You can buy T-shirts with Kaikavian words in XD shops in Zagreb & Čakovec. We love these T-shirts :)

  © 2014-2021 Kajkavska Renesansa